Trinity United Methodist Church sits on a knoll overlooking LaGrangeville, New York. LaGrangeville is a small community located in the Hudson Valley, approximately 75 miles north of New York City. This country church is home to about 100 families consisting of members and friends. Sunday service is held at 10:00 a.m. Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. A time of fellowship with coffee and refreshments is held after the service. Both the church and Fellowship Hall are handicap accessible.
We welcome all to worship at Trinity United Methodist Church. No matter where you are along your spiritual journey, come walk with us; honor God and one another as we share in the love, thanksgiving and praises through our trusting and binding faith. "The Light of Christ" beacon shines brilliantly when the people of the church congregate together, expressing their heartfelt devotion to Our Lord and Savior.
Our service allows for many varied ways to find a spiritual connection via scripture, music, (choir, bells, hymn sing), prayer, devotional readings, meditation and reflection. You will find our worship service a multi-sensory experience to behold!
The music ministry at Trinity United Methodist Church is very strong and adds a spiritual environment to our services. We encourage instrumentalists of the church community to participate in the services especially during the summer months.
Adult Choir The adult choir, under the direction of Craig Grant, sings each Sunday from September to June. As their voices are raised in harmony, they are accompanied by church organist, Heidi Tucci.
Bell Choir Trinity Church owns 4 ½ octaves of handbells and 3 octaves of hand chimes and has enjoyed the music of a variety of bell choirs over the last 30 years. Currently there is an elementary choir for 1st - 6th graders and a senior choir for middle and high school students. The bell choirs are open to both community and church members. The bell choirs have performed at various venues including local elementary schools, nursing homes, local Rotary clubs, and weddings. Rehearsals are on a weekday after school for elementary choir and Saturday mornings/Sunday afternoons for senior choir. Those interested in participating, contact Craig Grant, at (845) 223-5489 or
Roundtable Discussions
The 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 8pm on ZOOM. Topics will be announced the Sunday before it’s held. Call Karen with questions at (845)232-5876.
Adult Bible Studies
Please join for weekly Adult Bible Studies with a time of prayer and praise via Zoom on Tuesday evenings at 7:15pm. Please contact Clay Beattie at 223-5584.
Trinity Piecemakers meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m., gathering at the church Fellowship Hall or someone's home. Meetings begin with show & tell and then a discussion of upcoming events, ideas for new charity projects, dates for classes, etc. Next comes a demonstration of the current project, how to proceed with the next step, tips, what's due next month. Lastly, dessert, beverage and one-on-one conversations. We usually hold a "lock-in" in our Fellowship Hall once or twice a year where we start sewing at 6 p.m. and try to sew through to midnight. ALL LEVELS OF QUILTERS ARE INVITED. BEGINNERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! If you are interested, please contact Debbie Beattie at 223-5584 for more information.
The Fellowship Hall is available to rent for your special occasion. It holds 100 people and has a full kitchen. Please contact the church secretary at or with any questions. The Facilities Use Form can be downloaded below.
Kindly fill out this form in full for your upcoming event and return to the TUMC secretary. Please call (845) 223-3152 with any questions.